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Photos From Dan Telarico
My name is Dan Telarico.  In February 1969, I arrived in Cam Rahn Bay.  After about a week, we were loaded on a C-130 bound for Saigon.  I was then attached to the 458th MPs in Cholon.  They asked me if I
would be interested in serving on PBRs, which I promptly turned down.  I was then assigned to the 551st Transportation Company at Long Binh.
SGT Dan Telarico
551st Company Sign - The Pacesetters
SGT Dan Telarico
551st Company Area
                                     551st Company Sign - The Pacesetters                                           
551st Company Area
551st Company Area
On The Way To Newport - The Resting Soldier
                 Leaving Long Binh, Turning Left On 1A
The Beauregard At Newport Terminal
The Beauregard At Newport Terminal
The Beauregard At Newport Terminal
Thanks for looking at my photos.  Hope some of you might find me here and contact me.
Email Me
Dan Telarico
Full Speed Ahead
I was a ship NCO on DD3.  We usually worked one month on days, then would switch to one month on nights.  The part I liked was the shift change.  We always had booz and steaks and, while we are on my favorite subject, food.  I was
especially fond of the ships, Margaret Lykes and the Alaskan Bear, for the food they served in their galleys.   Some of them were less than perfect, such as the Korean ships.  You could smell them coming up the river, even though you were up
wind from them.  I received the Army Commendation Medal and, I must admit, they never told me why.  What the heck, something to show the kids, although I don't think they really care.
551st Company Area
On The Way To Newport - The Resting Soldier                       
Burning Bridges - Jack Scott - 1960