Here are a few photos sent to me from David Colvin. Dave was one of the original men from the 551st TC to arrive in Vietnam in September 1966. Here is Dave's story.
The 551st Transportation Company arrived in Vietnam September 1966 at Cam Rahn Bay. Three months prior to our arrival in Vietnam, we trained at Fort Eustis, VA. I was only eighteen years old at
the time. We loaded our equipment, were issued our rifles (M-14's) and battle gear and were put on a C-130 Hercules. We were packed in, around, and on top of all our cargo. Some were lucky
enough to get to the cargo seats first. The flight arrived in Vietnam 52 hours later, 28 of which were spent on the ground repairing the planes at such exotic places like Guam and Wake Island.
For the first two to three weeks we spent at Cam Rahn, we slept in sleeping bags on sand beds with tents we borrowed from another unit until the advanced party arrived. A little backwards I
think. The next day after arrival, we were loaded on Larc's and sent out into the bay to unload a ship, thus it started fast and furious. About six months later, we moved down south and came
under the command of the 4th TC, assigned to the 71st Transportation Battalion, working at the Newport Terminal. That's about it for now. I hope some of the gang will see these photos and add
their own. David M. Colvin
David Colvin Winch Operator 551st Trans At Cam Rahn Bay 1966
The Crew - Every Night Was Saturday Night
Hayden - Zinc - Me - And Sprankel
Regretfully, David passed away on August 9, 2003 Here Is A Message I Received From David's Wife Bette To Share With You All
50,000 Names Carved In The Wall - George Jones - 2001
Robert - Dutch - Meyers And Me
The Crew - Every Night Was Saturday Night
Don Zinc - Hatch Forman - Me Winch Operator
Me And Ed Holloway - Best Buddies
"Hi Al, I received your phone call and was very glad that you called me. I'm also glad that you forwarded a message of David's passing to the other guys. Thanks again from me and I'm sure David was proud to have known all you guys. He probably will still be listening to you all. David loved talking to you guys. Thanks again and God bless all of you. Bette C."